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第20届“红烛杯”《Module11 U4 reading》

文章来源:本站原创 发布时间:2009年12月28日 点击数:

Teaching aims:

1. Practise and reinforce students’ reading comprehension and improve their overall ability.

2.Have a command of figurative language in the text.

3. Learn and master new words and sentence structure.

Teaching important points:

 1. Enable students to gain some information about living and studying at a university in Canada

 2.Learn to use the words and sentence structures in the text.

Teaching difficult points

 1.Sum up the main idea of each paragraph

 2.Understand the figurative language in the text

 Teaching aids:

The multimedia, the blackboard

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Lead- in with pictures

Step 2 Fast reading

1.How long has Qin Xiaoyong been at university?

2.What sport did he play at school?

3.What sports did his Canadian friends introduce him to?

Step 3 Read the passage and analyze the structure of the text.

Step 4 Detailed reading

   1. Adjustments to his life  (True or False questions)

2.His college life in Canada (How do Canadian university students spend their free time?)

Step 5 Further reading

     1.Understand the tone and style

     2.Learn the figurative language in the text.

Step 6 Consolidation Fill in blanks

Step 7 Language study

Step 8 Homework

   1.Write an essay, using the phrases and sentence structures we have just learned.

   2.Review the text



课文: 我的大学生活



执教者:外语组 周龙珠



 1. 提高学生综合阅读能力

 2. 了解文中修辞格的应用

 3. 掌握文中重点词、短语以及句式结构


1. 通过阅读文章了解作者介绍的到加拿大的适应过程及现在的生活状况

  2. 掌握文中的重点词、短语及句式结构





 一、 导入: 由知名大学的图片引导学生讨论理想中的大学以及预测大学生活的情形。


叁、 详细阅读,概括文章每段主要意思

四、 细节理解

   1.作者适应大学生活的过程 (用正误判别题加深对细节的了解)



1. 阅读技巧:理解文章语气(让学生找出例句,说明文章是以亲切的非正式的口吻来写的)

   2. 理解文中出现的修辞语句(如暗喻、典故、夸张)

六、巩固 (通过任务型阅读更好的了解文章)

七、语言点 (重点词、短语及句式结构)


