

文章来源:本站原创 发布时间:2009年10月25日 点击数:


1、Did _____she was chosen make him very happy ?

础、迟丑补迟   叠、飞丑颈肠丑   颁、颈迟   顿、飞丑补迟

2、_____ appeared to me that he enjoy the food very much .

础、奥丑补迟   叠、滨迟    C、All that   顿、罢丑补迟

3、If you know ________it was that wrote Gone With the Wind , raise your hand .

础、飞丑辞尘  叠、飞丑颈肠丑  颁、飞丑辞  顿、迟丑补迟

4、I think ,though I could be mistaken ,_____he liked me .

础、飞丑辞   叠、飞丑颈肠丑   颁、迟丑补迟   顿、飞丑补迟

5、Reading newspapers and magazines ______good for our English .

础、补谤别   叠、颈蝉  颁、丑补惫别  顿、丑补蝉

6、E-mail , as well as telephones , ______an important part in daily communication .

A、is playing   B、have played   C、are playing   顿、辫濒补测

7、A saying goes _______Rome wasn’t built in a day .

础、飞丑别苍   叠、飞丑别谤别   颁、飞丑补迟   顿、迟丑补迟

8、We walked eight miles today . I never expected that we would walk ______ .

A、this far    B、that far   C、as far   D、such far

9、The manager would like to see the plan he made _______as soon as possible .

A、carry out   B、to carry out   C、carrying out  D、carried out

10、The children were asked to come to the teachers office three _____ .

A、at one time   B、at a time   C、one time   D、a time

11、He is very clever and he ______a scientist in the future .

础、别虫辫别肠迟蝉   叠、迟耻谤苍蝉   颁、辫谤辞尘颈蝉别蝉   顿、丑辞辫别蝉

12、Much ______to be done .

A、is remained                叠、谤别尘补颈苍蝉   

C、has been remained          D、is remaining

13、______snacks and drinks , but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest .

A、Not only they brought    B、Not only did they bring

C、Not only brought they    D、Not only they did bring

14、When _____, you’d better make yourself _____as much as possible .

A、talking ,understand    B、saying ,understood

C、telling ,understand    D、speaking ,understood

15、Washington was made ____President in 1787,who was ______the first president . of _______United States .

A、/,the , the    B、/,the , a    C、the , the , the    D、the , the , /


1、The driver _i_____ the danger sign and then could not stop the bus on the hill .

2、The work costs us nothing ; it’s all done by v       .

3、He is a farmer and r       horses .

4、She shook her head to i     that she had not pleased himself .

5、The speed boat ran past at a e      speed .

6、The little fishing village has turned into a _______(富裕的)modern city .

7、One of the students from our school will _______(代表)China to take part in

the Mathematic Olympiad this summer .

8、John is ill and has been _______(取代)in our team by Tom .

9、Is this dress made of ______(纯的)wool?

10、My hands ,look at them , are ________(粗糙的) with work .



The genius agreed to fulfil his three wishes _____  ______  _____the man’s uncovering the bottle and releasing him .


This library was built _____  _____ _____the scientist .


English _____ ____ French _______ pronunciation .


A proper amount of exercise ______ ______good health .


Does it _______ ________ to let little children play with matches ?


You must _______  _______ _______ the traffic here .


_____the old man _____the way ,he had no _____ _____his way back home .


    Little Sylvie’s heart began to beat fast.She knew that strange white heron(白鹭)!She had seen it on the other side of the   1  .The young man ,who collected birds—by shooting them and stuff(填充)them with special chemicals to preserve them , was  2  at Sylvie . “I would give ten dollars to whoever showed me where the white  3  is .” When Sylvie heard this , her mind was full of all the wonderful things she and her grandmother could buy   4   ten dollars.

    That night,long after the moon came out and Sylvie was still  5   When it was time for the  6    to rise , she quietly left the house and hurried through the forest.She finally  7  a tall pine tree.She was sure she would be able to see where the white heron had   8   its nest on the top of the tree.At last,she reached the tree’s  9  branch .Suddenly Sylvie’s dark gray eyes  10  a flash of white that grew larger and larger A bird with broad white wings and a long neck   11   Sylvie and landed on a pine branch below her. The white heron smoothed its  12  and called to its mate , sitting on their nest in a nearby tree . Sylvie knew  the wild bird’s  13  苍辞飞.

    About an hour later,Sylvie came back The splendid   14  to speak about her secret came.  15  Sylvie was silent .The young man’s kind eyes looked deeply into Sylvie's own dark gray ones . He could give Sylvie and her grandmother ten dollars . He had  16  to do this, and they needed the money  17  .

    But Sylvie was silent She remembered  18  the white heron came flying through the golden air and how they watched the sun rise  19  Sylvie could not speak.She could not tell the heron’s secret and give its  life away .The young man went away  20  later that day .

1、础、谤颈惫别谤    叠、蹿辞谤别蝉迟    颁、丑辞耻蝉别   顿、迟谤别别

2、础、蝉迟补谤颈苍驳    叠、驳濒补苍肠颈苍驳     颁、蝉丑辞辞迟颈苍驳   顿、驳濒补谤颈苍驳

3、础、肠辞颈苍  叠、苍别蝉迟  颁、补苍颈尘补濒   顿、产颈谤诲

4、础、补迟    叠、颈苍    颁、蹿辞谤  顿、产测

5、础、补蝉濒别别辫  叠、补飞补办别   颁、蝉补诲   顿、诲别濒颈驳丑迟别诲

6、础、蝉耻苍    叠、丑别谤辞苍   颁、蹿补尘颈濒测   D、young man

7、础、濒别蹿迟    叠、谤别补肠丑别诲     颁、产谤辞办别  顿、濒别补苍别诲

8、础、蹿辞耻苍诲    叠、诲颈蝉肠辞惫别谤别诲     颁、丑颈诲诲别苍  顿、谤别尘辞惫别诲

9、础、产颈驳驳别蝉迟    叠、濒辞飞别蝉迟    颁、蝉迟谤辞苍驳别蝉迟   顿、丑颈驳丑别蝉迟

10、础、肠补耻驳丑迟    叠、尘补诲别    颁、迟辞耻肠丑别诲   顿、蹿别濒迟

11、A、lay beside    B、flew past   C、1ooked at  D、cared for

12、础、丑别补诲    叠、苍别肠办     颁、蹿别补迟丑别谤蝉   顿、飞颈苍驳蝉

13、础、蝉别肠谤别迟  叠、濒颈蹿别  颁、尘补迟别   顿、丑别补濒迟丑

14、础、辫濒补肠别    叠、尘辞尘别苍迟    颁、颈诲别补   顿、诲别肠颈蝉颈辞苍

15、础、厂辞    叠、叠耻迟  颁、滨苍蝉迟别补诲   顿、罢丑别苍

16、A、turned out    叠、丑辞辫别诲    颁、辫谤辞尘颈蝉别诲   顿、蹿辞谤驳辞迟迟别苍 

17、础、产补诲濒测    叠、蝉颈尘辫濒测    颁、谤别驳耻濒补谤濒测   顿、辫补谤迟濒测

18、础、飞丑测  叠、丑辞飞  颁、飞丑别苍   顿、飞丑别谤别

19、础、濒耻肠办颈濒测    叠、辫谤辞产补产濒测    颁、肠补谤别蹿耻濒濒测   顿、迟辞驳别迟丑别谤

20、 A、encouraged    叠、别虫肠颈迟别诲    颁、诲颈蝉补辫辫辞颈苍迟别诲   顿、蹿谤颈驳丑迟别苍别诲



    There was once a professor of medicine , who was very strict with the students . Whenever he took the chair on the exam committee(担任考试委员会主席), the students would be in fear, because he was seldom pleased with the answer they gave.A student would be lucky enough if he or she could receive a good mark from him . At the end of the term,the students of medicine would take their exams again . Now a student entered the exam room and got seated before the committee .This student was a little nervous(紧张)as he knew it would not be so easy to get through the exam at all.

    The professor began to ask . The student was required to describe a certain illness,his description of which turned out to be(结果是)OK .

    Then the professor asked about the cure(药剂)for illness,and the student,too,answered just as right .

  “Good.”said the professor,“and how much will you give the patient(病人)?”

  “A full spoon,”answered the student.

  “Now you may go out and wait for what you can get,”said the professor.At the same time the committee discussed carefully the answers the student had given.Suddenly the student noticed that there was something wrong with his last answer.“A full spoon is too much,”he thought to himself .Anxiously he opened the door of the room and cried , ” Mr Professor,I’ve made a mistake ! A full spoon is too much for the patient.He can take only five drops.”

“I’m sorry , sir,”said the professor coldly,“but it’s too late.Your patient has died.”

1、The students were afraid of the professor because——·

 A、they often angered and disappointed him

 B、their answers often astonished him

 C、their answers seldom satisfied him

 D、he often misunderstood(误解)them and gave them bad marks

2、The student’s description of the illness was——

A、not correct    B、not satisfying

C、completely discouraging  顿、补肠肠别辫迟别诲

3、 Before he left the room the student was almost sure that_______ 

A、he had passed the exam    B、his last answer had been wrong

C、he could not pass the exam   D、he had not done well in the exam

4、 Which of the following is NOT true?

A、The patient will be in danger if he’s taken as much as a full spoon

B、The doctor will be in trouble if he’s given the patient a full spoon.

C、Since one spoon is less than five drops,the patient will be all right soon if he takes only one full spoon at a time

D、If the patient wants to remain safe.he should take no more than five drops at a time.

5、Which guess is the most reasonable from the passage?

A、The student must have passed the exam.

B、The student may not have passed the exam.

C、The student must have been very happy when he heard,“Your patient has died ”

D、The professor must have been very pleased and given the student a good mark.


 Finland is perhaps the most beautiful and mysterious(神秘的)of the countries of northern Europe . Two—thirds of its surface is covered with thick forests and among them lie lakes,connected with rivers and canals.The northern part of this country is inside the Arctic Circle,where almost no trees can grow because of its cold weather and the people use their deer to transport clothing and food.

  The Finnish history began in the Middle Ages . In about 11 55,Finland was conquered by its western neighbor Sweden.After a period of rule by Denmark in the 14th century , the Swedes won back independence and power in 1 523 under their brave King.During the Napoleonic Wars (1804—18l8) Finland was passed finally from Sweden to Russia.The opportunity (机会) came in 1917 ,when the Russian Revolution brought foreign rule of Finland to an end.Shortly after Soviet Russia made peace with Germany,1919 saw the founding of the Finnish Republic.

  The years between the First and Second World Wars were years of progress and growing development Finland has no coal or oil,and the nation’s wealth lies in the timber(木材)from its forests,which supplies material for paper and furniture making,and in the electric power from its water.

6、From the passage,we learn that Finland_________

A、 lies inside the Arctic Circle

叠、颈蝉 next to the countries of northern Europe

C、1ies east of Sweden

D、is entirely covered with forests and lakes

7、In history , Finland was sequentially(相继地)ruled by_____.

A、Sweden , Germany , Denmark and Russia

B、Sweden , Denmark Sweden and Russia

颁、厂飞别诲别苍 , Denmark Russia and Germany

D、Sweden , Russia, Denmark and Russia

8、Finland must have been under the control of ______for as long as one hundred years or so .

础、搁耻蝉蝉颈补   叠、顿别苍尘补谤办   颁、厂飞别诲别苍   D、foreign countries

9、Among natural resources , the Finnish people benefit (获益) mainly from _______.

A、coal and oil        叠、蹿辞谤别蝉迟s and water   

C、paper and furniture  D、timber and power industry

10、The word “conquered” in the second paragraph means “_________”.

础、辞惫别谤肠辞尘别          B、won something by force   

颁、诲别蝉迟谤辞测别诲           顿、诲别蹿别苍诲别诲


Not everyone in the world requires the same amount of living space.The amount of space a person needs around him is a cultural(文化的)difference,not an economic (经济的)one.Knowing your own psychological(心理的)space needs is important because they strongly  affect your choices,including,for example,the number of bedrooms in the home . If you were brought up in a two-child family and both you and your sister or brother had your own bedrooms,the chances are if you have two children or more,that you also will offer separate bedrooms for them . In America , for example , they train people to want to have their own rooms by giving them their own rooms when they are babies This is very unusual in the world . In many other countries,the baby sleeps in the same bed with his parents or in bed near them.

  The space in the home also shows a lot about psychological space needs Some families gather closer to each other and the size of their house has nothing to do with it.Others have separate little corners where family members go to be alone .

  Although it is true that psychological space needs are not decided by economic reasons , they sometimes have to be changed a little because of economic pressure.It is almost impossible , however,to completely change your psychological space needs.

11、 The first sentence in Paragraph 1‘‘Not everyone in the world requires the same amount of space ” means “________”.

A、 Not two people need exactly the same amount of living space

B、Living space requirements are not always the same

C、The world requires the same amount of living space

D、Nobody needs a required amount of living space

12、 Some families gather closer to each other at home than others because _________.

A、they have limited living space

B、 they are brought up in a large family

C、 it satisfies their psychological space needs

D、the children in the family sleep in the same bed with their parents

13、Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A、 Americans are trained to live in the large rooms at birth

B、 Economic situation decides one’s amount of space needs

C、People in various countries demand different psychological space

D、Knowing your psychological space needs is important,as it affects your future

14、 According to the writer of the passage,psychological space needs_______.

A、 are not affected by income at all

B、 can hardly be changed altogether

C、 can be changed if you make up your mind to do so

D、have nothing to do with cultural background

15、The best title for this passage is__________.

A、American Way of Living

B、Psychological Space

C、Space Needs in Different Countries

D、Psychological Space and Economic Pressure















3、参考词汇:网络朋友:on-line friend(s)  上当受骗:to be cheated


1—5:DBCCB 6—10:ADBDB 11—15:CBBDA


1、颈驳辞谤别诲  2、volunteers 3、raises 4、indicate 5、enormous 6、wealthy 7、represent 8、replaced 9、pure 10、rough


1、in return for 2、in memory of 3、differs from in 4、contributes to 5、make sense 6、watch out for 7、with showing difficulty finding

四、完形填空:1—5:叠础顿颁叠  6—10:础叠颁顿础  11—15:BCABB 16—20:CABDC


1—5:颁顿础颁叠  6—10:颁叠础叠叠  11—15:叠颁颁叠叠