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文章来源:本站原创 发布时间:2009年10月27日 点击数:


                                       编写:陈芳 审核:陈荣华


1. Allow children the space to voice their opinions, ____they are different from your own.
 A. until             B. even if             C. unless          D. as though    

2. I was just talking to Margot when
Jackson _____ .
   A. cut in
            B. cut down        C. cut out      D. cut up     

3. I can’t remember when exactly the Rohinsons left __ city. I only remember it was ____ Monday.
   A. the, the         B. a, the
             C. a, a        D. the, a  

4. You will find as you read this book that you just can’t keep some of these stories to ______.       You will want to share them with a friend.
 A. itself
        B. yourself       C. himself       D. themselves  

5. I was surprised by her words, which made me recognize ___ silly mistakes I had made.
   A. what
      B. that         C. how       D. which   

.—Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away?

     Thank you. _________.

       AIt couldn’t be better                           BOf course you can

       CIf you like                                         DIt’s up to you

7.—Hello, Mr. Smith. This is Larry Jackson. I am afraid I won’t be able to arrive on time for the meeting in your office.

     __________. We’ll wait for you.

       AHurry up             BNo doubt           CCheer up               DThat’s all right

8The schools themselves admit that not all children will be successful in the jobs ______ they are being trained.

       Ain that                 Bfor that                Cin which              Dfor which

9My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever; _______, he could neither eat nor sleep.

       Aas a result            Bafter all                Cany way              Dotherwise

10Please tell me how the accident _______. I am still in the dark.

       Acame by              Bcame upon           Ccame to               Dcame about

11________ and no way to reduce her pain and suffering from the terrible disease, the patient sought her doctor’s help to end her life.

       AHaving given up hope of cure                BWith no hope for cure

       CThere being hope for cure                    DIn the hope of cure

12I think you’ll grow ________ him when you know him better.

       Aliking                  Bto be like             Cto like                 Dto be liking

13The manager, _______ it clear to us that he didn’t agree with us, left the meeting room.

       Awho has made     Bhaving made        Cmade                  Dmaking

14The way he did it was different          we were used to .

       Ain which              Bin what               Cfrom what          Dfrom which

15.—Hurry up ! Alice and Sue are waiting for you at the school gate .

    Oh ! I thought they          without me .

       Awent                  Bare going            Chave gone           Dhad gone


Try It a Different Way

When Phillip was on his way to the airport one afternoon, he asked the driver to wait outside the bank while he collected some traveler’s checks .

The plane was to    16     at 5:30. From there was still a    17     journey to the airport    18     Phillip merely watched the scene along the way. Shortly before arriving , he began   19      the things he would need for the    20     : tickets , money , the address of his hotel, traveler’s checks —Just a moment . How about his passport? Phillip went through his pocket. He suddenly   21   that he must have let his passport   22   .

What could he do? It was now five past four and there would be too little    23     to return to the bank. This was the    24     time he was representing his firm for an important25       with the manager of a French firm in Paris the following morning . Without a passport he would be     26    to board the plane. At that moment , the taxi     27    outside the air terminal (候机楼). Phillip got     28    , took his suitcase and paid the driver. He then    29    a good deal of confusion in the building .A    30     could be heard over the loudspeaker.

“We very much    31     that owing to a twenty-four-hour strike of airport staff ,all flights for the rest of today have had to be called off.” Passengers are   32      to get in touch with their travel agents or with this terminal for     33    on tomorrow’s flights. Phillip gave a  34       . He would let his firm know about this situation and, thank goodness, he  would have the opportunity of calling at his bank the following morning to    35     his passport.

16Acheck in             Blead off               Cleave                  Dfly

17Along                   Bshort                  Cpleasant              Drough

18Aas                      Bso                       Cbut                     Dbecause

19Acounting             Blooking over        Cthinking about     Dchecking

20Aplane                  Btrip                     Cmeeting              Dflight

21Arealized               Bremembered        Crecognized          Dlearned

22Aat home              Bat the bank          Cat the office        Din the taxi

23Atime                   Bchance               Cpossibility           Duse

24Agolden                Blast                     Conly                   Dfirst

25Ajourney               Bvisit                    Cbusiness             Dmeeting

26Asad                    Bunable                Cimpossible          Ddifficult

27Astopped              Bwas driven          Cgot                     Dwas parked

28Adown                 Bback                   Cout                     Daway

29Astarted                Bcaught                Cnoticed               Dwatched

30Aspeech                Bsignal                 Ccall                    Dvoice

31Aapologize            Bannounce            Cworry                Dregret

32Aadvised               Bforced                Ctold                    Dpersuaded 

33Aideas                  Bplans                  Cinformation         Dtime

34Aloud laugh           Bdeep sigh            Cbig smile             Dsharp cry

35Areturn               Bfind              Crecover             Dgather



If you are lost in the mountains, stay calm in the face of darkness, loneliness, and the unknown. It will greatly increase your chances of survival(生存). Many people think that preparing necessary equipment and knowing how to use it are very important, but actually eighty percent of mountain survival is your reaction to fear.

Find a hiding place.

Unnecessary labor will make you sweat and make you cold. Find a hiding place around you before trying to start your own construction. If you are in a snow-covered area, you may be able to dig a cave in deep snow for protection from the wind. You should try to hide yourself in the middle of the mountain if possible. Stay out of the valleyscold air falls, and the valley floor can be the coldest area on the mountain.

Signal rescuers for help.

The best time to signal rescuers is during the day. Signal for help from the highest point possibleit will be easier for rescuers to see you, and any sound you make will travel farther. If you take a box of matches and a space blanketa special blanket for traveling, build three smoky fires and put your blanketgold side facing outon the ground.

Do not walk away.

It will make finding you more difficult, as search teams will be trying to follow your path and may miss you if you have gone off in a different direction. Searchers often end up finding a car with no one in it.

If you get frostbite(冻伤), do not rewarm the affected area until you’re out of danger.

You can walk on frostbitten feet, but once you warm the area and can feel the pain, you will not want to walk anywhere. Try to protect the frostbitten area and keep it dry until you are rescued.

36When lost in the mountains, you can increase your chances of survival if you ______.

Atake a space blanket with you               Bdo more physical labor

Ctry to find a car immediately                 Dwalk as far as possible to find help

37According to the passage, people most probably fail to survive if they ______.

Ado not take enough equipment              Bstay in the middle of the mountain

Cdo not keep themselves warm              Dstay in a snow-covered area

38What can we infer from the passage? ______.

ADon’t travel by yourself.                      BMountain traveling is dangerous.

CDon’t get frightened in danger.             DAvoid going to unfamiliar place.


At a few minutes past five, Dave noted that the blanket of darkness was lifting. He was just able to make out the heavier masses that eventually appeared as the familiar trees that lined the road at the base of the hill. The upper reaches of the sky showed lighter shades of gray.

Dave got out of bed quietly and dressed quickly. He mixed a spoonful of instant chocolate into a glass of cold water, and his impatience forced him to finish the drink in gulps.

As he walked down toward the lake, Dave paused to reach for the fishing pole and gear box on the bench where he had left them the night before.

By the time he reached the small boat, a thick white mist(雾气)had spread over the surface of the water. He stepped into the boat, sat down, and rowed out of the weed beds that lined the edge of the shore.   

The outer fringe (边缘) of the lake disappeared as the boat moved forward noiselessly. All he could see was the enveloping whiteness. He could not tell where the boat and the surrounding air met the surface of the lake.

Dave rowed steadily ahead, relying on a mental picture of the surroundings. Then the mist began to rise, slowly. It soon rested inches above the still surface of the lake. The heavy silence was now being broken by the fish breaking through the surface as they leaped out of the water for low-flying insects.

The magic time had arrived. Dave raised his pole. Dawn was broken. He was excited with expectancy.

39Dave got up early in the morning to ______.

Aenjoy the scene of the lake                   Bseek adventure at the lake

Cgo fishing in the lake                           Dtake a walk by the lake

40According to the story, which of the following is TRUE?

ADave broke the quietness of the lake.

BDave was familiar with the surroundings.

CDave took a picture of the lake with him.

DDave forgot the fishing pole at the beginning.

41The underlined wordIt in Paragraph 6 refers to ______.

Afish                Bboat          Csilence          Dmist

42What can we learn from the end of the story? ______.

ADave was hopeful of catching a lot of fish.

BDave wished the weather would be better.

CDave was happy that dawn was broken.

DDave expected someone else would come.



A: Wow, your coat’s very dirty. Did you fall?

B: Yes, I had a terrible (1)e__________ on the underground             1.______

train when I was on the (2)w______ to work. A man came                     2.______

up to me and pulled out a knife. He (3)p_________ it right at me.      3.______

A: Oh, no. Are you all right? Did he(4) h_______ you?                     4______

B: No, he didn’t, but he took my handbag.

A: Then what happened? What did you do?

B: I (5)c__________ hold of arm and he pushed me to the floor.              5______

A: Oh, no. Why did you take his arm? That’s (6)d__________.         6.______

A: What did the other (7)p__________ do? Did they help you?          7______

B: Yes. Two men ran (8)a_________ the robber and held him.           8______

A: Did the police come?

B: Yes, the police were called and two

policemen came and took the (9)r______ to the                              9______

 (10)p_______  Station.                                                             10_____


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